Kasongo, Pascal & Véronique

Pascal Kasongo is the pastor of the Christian Assembly Christ the Cornerstone in Epinay-sur-Seine, France. The church’s vision is as follows:

1) An impact centre:
– An impact church, where people who are broken, frustrated, hurt, rejected and forgotten will find the answer, the will to live and become champions.
– A warm church where people feel welcome and find solace.
– A visionary and missionary church that is committed to world evangelization in order to fulfill the Great Commission that the Lord left us: to go into all the world and preach the good news and make disciples.
– A house of prayer where the presence of God, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and God’s power will be manifested. All for His glory…
– A place where people will live like a real family, in love and mutual respect.
-A multiracial church where race, ethnicity, language, colour and customs will not be barriers. All peoples, all nations, all cultures and all languages will gather together to worship the Lord.
-A dynamic team of trained leaders, who are committed, honest, submissive, and faithful to the vision and visionary, and who will be at the service of their leader, the church and the community.

2) A training centre to train and develop disciples for Christ:
-Where people will be lead to an understanding of the gospel, so they become mature, serve the Lord with reverence and be true worshipers who worship “in spirit and in truth.”
-Where people will spend enjoyable moments in prayer
-Where people will have an intimacy with God and His word
-Where people will become living witnesses for Jesus and lead the captives to His feet.
– Purpose: to evangelize and teach the word of God

3) Objectives:
-Use all possible means to offer our contemporaries the opportunity to know Jesus and become members of His family (church).
-Lead everyone to grow into full maturity.
-Help each person to take their proper place in the body of Christ, by equipping them for their ministry in the church and for their mission in the world – a world that is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.