Jones, Chris & Sarah

Chris and Sarah Jones have over twenty years of experience in community youth ministry. They have worked in unique settings in urban and rural areas, with a variety of organizations. Their heart is to share the forgiveness and freedom that comes from being in a direct relationship with Jesus Christ/Yeshua. They are called to come alongside and serve those in their village who find it difficult to “go through the doors” of any structured or organized entity for an array of complex reasons. This resistance is not just a challenge with respect to churches, but also schools, recreational clubs, and workplaces.

Their goal has been to meet the highest felt needs in their community, while addressing physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs. Chris is a satellite director and Sarah is an elementary school outreach worker. They currently oversee afterschool programs, mentoring relationships, and a drop-in night at a local high school; they also provide housing in a four-apartment house used for missional living. Chris and Sarah help others who need to gain job skills. One example of this is a project where lettuce was planted in old canoes, nurtured to maturity, and then sold to a local café.

They currently live in Lakefield, Ontario with their two daughters, where they serve together with Kawartha Youth for Christ.