Caldwell, Paul & Eileen

Paul and Eileen have been married for over thirty-two years and have three children. They have been active in the Lord’s church since they were very young. Hungering for God, they searched for more of Him and His ways. They followed His call to ministry when they were in their early thirties, but they found their yearning for more of God and His ways was still not satisfied. They pastored for a number of years with the motto, “We will be a people who will listen to and obey God”, all the while equipping and releasing people into their giftings.

Looking for a better expression of their hearts and listening to God, they were led to begin a new ministry called Freedom Apostolic Ministries, operating in Greater Peterborough and Lakefield, Ontario. The focus will be on making disciples who will go on to make disciples themselves, rather than on building a traditional church. Paul and Eileen want to continue to equip and release believers into their giftings and callings as they all listen to God and obey Him.